Crimson gray scenes
Crimson gray scenes

crimson gray scenes crimson gray scenes

The sex scenes are quite short compared to other VNs. In the beginning, I thought that the "there's still another path" message had this purpose, but even after I no longer got this message I'm still missing 2 cgs (second page, low center and third page, upper right) and found other endings afterwards.Ĥ. Like it is now, there's no way to know if you missed any scenes or in what part of the game those scenes are other than counting the unlocked cgs. It would be nice to have at least some kind of progress indicator, or even better yet, a scene selector (similiar to katawa shoujo). If you are going to press the player into this plotline, it'd be better not to include choices that would lead away from it.ģ. Even if one plays as completely indifferent or outright aggressive towards lizzie (I did both while searching for the cgs I'm missing), john will still try to save her and talk nicely with her in the hardcoded text. there's simply to many choices in the beginning. Same for her knives, though there it's somewhat realistic that she'd manage to conceal them completely.Ģ.

crimson gray scenes crimson gray scenes

Something you don't notice at first, but can't unsee once you know it's there. It would be far nicer if the axe did "print" (as in, have a somewhat visible outline) on the paperdoll. I don't know how it seems to others, but at least for me (martial artist and concealed carrier) things like this always break immersion. In some scenes, Lizzie sudddenly takes out her axe even though the clothes she's wearing are completely unsuitable for concealing it. Choosing the living tree background after the true end resets to the burning tree after quitting the game, starting a new game or loading a save.ġ. Always having to change to windowed mode or bring up the taskmanager to quit is pretty annoying.Ĥ. The quit button brings up the credits, the credits button links to patreon. I'm guessing you simply used the same scene as for the conversations on school grounds?ģ. During the conversations (the ones where you can choose the topic) in the dungeon, Lizzies clothes will change from casual to school uniform and back. the psychologists name changes back and forth between Smith and Smyth.Ģ. The story itsself is just as good as I'd expect from you and the art is good, but the gameplay has some bad points, to the point where it seems as if you didn't do any proofreading or testing at all.ġ. I played through most of Crimson gray today.

Crimson gray scenes